Evolvetogether, a personal care brand known for its sustainable and thoughtfully crafted products, has announced its entry into retail through a partnership with luxury beauty retailer Bluemercury. This marks a significant step for evolvetogether, transitioning from a direct-to-consumer model to reaching a wider audience through physical retail locations.
Since its launch, evolvetogether has gained a following for its high-performance daily essentials, including KN95 masks and eco-friendly personal care products. The brand has established a reputation in the clean beauty and wellness industry, known for its effective formulas and sophisticated fragrances. The collaboration with Bluemercury follows evolvetogether’s recent expansion to Amazon, highlighting the brand’s growth and commitment to quality and sustainability.
Cynthia Sakai, founder and CEO of evolvetogether, expressed excitement about the partnership, noting that Bluemercury is an ideal retail partner due to its focus on luxury essentials. The brand’s offerings are designed with an emphasis on clean, effective formulas, fine fragrances, and universal design, intended to be part of daily routines at home or on the go.
Tracy Kline, head of merchandising and spa at Bluemercury, echoed the sentiment, stating that the partnership aligns well with Bluemercury’s clientele, who seek sustainable, luxury products that integrate seamlessly into daily life.
Customers can now purchase evolvetogether products at over 50 Bluemercury stores and online. The product range is priced between $21 and $95 and is also available on evolvetogether’s website and Amazon.