Chivas Regal, a renowned luxury Scotch whisky brand, has announced a new multi-year partnership with Arsenal Football Club. This collaboration, set to begin ahead of the 2024/25 season, positions Chivas Regal as Arsenal’s first Official Whisky Partner, supporting both the men’s and women’s teams. The partnership reflects a shared commitment to community, culture, and collective success.
The collaboration aims to bring fans closer to the club through exclusive content and global live experiences featuring players, celebrity supporters, creators, and club legends. Chivas Regal will also enhance the matchday experience at Emirates Stadium by opening a new bar within Dial Square, offering a curated selection of classic and exclusive Chivas Highball serves, tailored to football culture.
To mark the beginning of this partnership, Chivas Regal will celebrate the season’s opening match by offering a round of Chivas Highballs to fans at local Arsenal pubs, including The Drayton Park. This initiative will extend to the first Arsenal Women’s match at Emirates Stadium on September 22nd, where fans attending the game against Manchester City Women will also enjoy the Chivas Highball experience.
Nick Blacknell, Chivas Global Marketing Director, emphasized that the partnership goes beyond just whisky and football, aiming to deepen the connection between fans and the sport. Juliet Slot, Chief Commercial Officer at Arsenal, expressed pride in welcoming Chivas Regal as a partner, highlighting the brand’s cultural and community ties, which align with Arsenal’s values and ambitions.
Chivas Regal’s involvement in football has been growing since 2018, with initiatives such as the ‘Regal FC’ digital platform launched in 2021, offering fans exclusive behind-the-scenes content. The partnership with Arsenal is another step in Chivas’ ongoing support for the sport and its community, reinforcing its commitment to bringing luxury experiences to football fans globally.
The partnership also holds historical significance, as Scotland, the home of Chivas Regal, played a role in the foundation of Arsenal Football Club. The club was established in 1886 by Scotsman David Danskin, and Arsenal legend George Graham, also from Scotland, led the team to numerous honors as both player and manager.